My Favorite Thing

I like the way puddles freeze at night. Ice grows on the surface and the water leaks out through the ground and an opaque shell stays behind that breaks when I step on it. I like to be awake early in the morning and to have that time alone. I like snow. I like when it’s cold outside and coming into a warm house. I like that my glasses fog when I walk through the door. I like woodsmoke.

I like going to the mountains alone and not saying a word for days. I like the way a pistol jumps in my hand when I pull the trigger and the way a motorcycle pulls away between my legs when I roll on the throttle. I like the way ski boots feel when I put them on in the morning, and the way they feel when I slide them off in the evening.


I like to cook slowly. I like to lie in bed next to a sleeping girl and a sleeping dog, and to just stare at the ceiling and think about whatever comes to mind. I like the first cup of coffee in the morning to be black.

I like the way water runs through a drain after it’s been cleaned. The way marrow melts in a stockpot over low flame. I like to watch TV on the internet. I like to leave home, and I like to come back.

I like seeing my breath fog in cold air. I like the first half hour in a pool, the first five minutes in a hot tub, and the first thirty seconds in a sauna. I like a fried egg that flips with only the flick of a wrist and when a snowball makes a perfect sphere. I like dogs.


I like leaving work to read a new book. I like the whiny zipping sound that climbing skins make as they slide across the snow. I like to look at maps of places I haven’t been, but even more I like to look at maps of places I know. Familiarity with a place brings the contours to life. I like that the lights turn on when I flip the switch, although I don’t think about it as often as I should. I like the sound a rock makes when I throw it in a lake.

I like the way a skintrack takes a new shape each time it snows.

I like when grouse erupt from the snow by my feet and we exchange some kind of primal fear, although I don’t like it until much later. I like the quiet that settles in again after the bird has flown away and the only sound I hear is my heart beating in my chest. I like that the longer nights get, the brighter the stars shine.


I like how wildflowers chase the snowline into the alpine in spring. I like summer rainstorms that are better explained by gods than science. I like when the larch turn golden and line the trails with pillowsoft needles, but my favorite thing is winter.



PLODding Along: Day 8

PLOD Plot Here

steepsJunuary in western Montana is in full swing, bringing with it bike rides and trail runs in shorts. It’s also heaping wood on the ski stoke fire, all while killing the skiing.

These warm, sunny days remind me of one of the most magical times of year, when the days are long, the temps are warm, and the steep snow is stable. This time last year we had another bout of high pressure with warm daytime highs and clear, cold nights that settled down the snowpack and saw many ambitious, save-it-for-May type objectives be sent in January. These unseasonably pleasant spells help to scratch a couloir itch and regenerate excitement for the powder skiing and meadow hopping that has a knack for coming back in February and March.

Warm temps and dry(ish) trails mid-winter.
Except right now it’s not. With nighttime lows throughout the region in the low 40s even above 7,000 feet, the freeze/thaw cycle that builds stability has been replaced with a thaw/thaw cycle that does not. Reports indicate that skiers all over the Bitterroot pulled the plug early last weekend, and that the Snowbowl bar sold many more pizzas and pitchers than one-day lift tickets.

But complaining about the weather never changed it, so I guess it’s time to dust off the road bike or something. I hear it’s cold in Cooke City.

Day 7:
2hr 17min – Trail run
46min – Town run (this was too much running)

Day 8:
1hr 10min – Momentum
52min – Run
54min – Hockey

The updated PLOD Plot is available at the top of the page. Eight days in and I’m getting very tired again. The legs are heavy but spirits are high, as long as I can sleep enough.